Academic Functions (Selection)

(7-9 Nov. 2019) “Filling in the Gaps: Historical Remaking as a Methodology to Research Early Modern Botanical Episteme,” Workshop Digital Age Approaches to Early Modern Engraved, Etched, and Imprinted Episteme: Images, Objects, Materials and Methods, Copenhagen, Denmark, Ruth S. Noyes (Novo Nordisk Foundation and the National Museum of Denmark).

(21-22 June 2019) “Making Image, Making Knowledge: Practices of Artistic Production in Visualizing Early Modern Botanical Knowledge,” 8th Gewina Woudschoten Conference – Towards a History of Knowledge, Woudschoten, The Netherlands, Gewina: Belgisch- Nederlands genootschap voor wetenschaps- en universiteitsgeschiedenis.

(17 June 2019) “The Colorful Flowers of Anselmus De Boodt and the Color Practice Behind Them,” Workshop Anselmus Boëtius de Boodt at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Jetze Touber (Ghent University), Jonathan Regier (Ghent University), and Jan de Hond (Rijksmuseum).

(12-15 June 2019) “Not So ‘After Nature:’ The Subtle Imaginations in Early Modern Botanical Illustrations,” Scientiae 2019 Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Scientiae: Disciplines of Knowing in the Early Modern World and the Queen’s University.

(6-7 June 2019) “Picturing Flowers as a Genre: Visualizing the Culture of Collecting Nature in the Dutch Golden Age,” The Contribution of Artistic Genres to the Construction of the Dutch Golden Age Conference, Haarlem, The Netherlands, Project “A Golden Age?” at the University of Genève.

(27 March 2019) “Tracing the Printing History of the Botanical Woodblocks at the Museum Plantin-Moretus Using VGG Image Search Engine (VISE),” Workshop: Computer Vision in Book History, The Hague, The Netherlands, Visual Geometry Group at the University of Oxford and the National Library of the Netherlands.

(14-15 February 2019) “Everlasting Flowers Between the Pages: Seventeenth-Century Botanical Watercolors,” History of Science and Humanities PhD Conference, Kerkrade, The Netherlands, Multiple Organizers from the University of Amsterdam.

(20 September 2018) “The Enablers of the Printed Plants: The Making of Botanical Woodblocks for the Early Modern Plantin Press,” Technical Art History Colloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Multiple Organizers.

(1 June 2018) “Poster Presentation: The Blocks, the Tools, and the Printed Plants,” Jubileumcongres: Perspectieven in boekhistorisch onderzoek, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Nederlandse Boekhistorische Vereniging.

(21 September 2017) “Den nieuwen herbarius of Leonhart Fuchs (1501-1566) at the UU Special Collections,” WEMAL-Studiedag: Medische boeken uit de collectie van de UBU, Utrecht, The Netherlands, WEMAL (De Werkgroep Middelnederlandse Artesliteratuur) and Utrecht University Special Collections.

(19-22 April 2017) “Decorative and Scientific: Adriaen Collaert’s Engravings as a Promoter of Natural History,” Scientiae Mixtae, Padua, Italy, Scientiae: Disciplines of Knowing in the Early Modern World and University of Padua.

(27-28 May 2016) “Unpacking the Printed Wunderkammer: Matthäus Merian’s Florilegium Renovatum et Auctum (1641),” Forgotten Books and Cultural Memory, Taipei, Taiwan, English Department at the National Taipei University of Technology.

(13 May 2015) “The Golden Age of Botanical Illustrations: What Does a Tulip Watercolor Tell Us?” Larry W. Forrest Memorial Writing Competition Symposium, Savannah, GA, USA, Department of Art History at the Savannah College of Art and Design.

Public Functions (Selection)

(9 September 2018) “4,000 houtblokken onder de loep,” Open monumentendag 2018, Antwerp, Belgium, Museum Plantin-Moretus.

(26 November 2017) “Botanische houtblokken: een verkenning van de eigen collectie,” Dag van de wetenschap 2017, Antwerp, Belgium, Museum Plantin-Moretus.
